Saturday, January 10, 2009
My adventure at the Imperial Valley desert
Thank goodness I have a comfortable RV trailer I could sleep in.
My husband and I ended up traveling 20 miles out to the desert not really knowing where we were meeting up with the rest of our friends. We were told to follow the wire fence along the TB Sands on this up and down little dirt road
We met up w/about 15 other families and became part of the RV trailer circle.
I have to say it was fun as the desert can be so beautiful in the mornings.
I even went on a 2 hour ride in a Polaris ranger. Now mind you this younger gal Stella who was driving drove like a bat out of hell. At first all I could think was I am going to die!!
Thank goodness we had a pit stop to check on everyone and they knew I was a middle aged jittery chick so my driver gave me a bottle of jack/daniels lemonade. Now mind you just one soda bottle but it took the edge off of this wild experience. That's me down below with the red hair. I look like a chubby middle aged vegetable with googles on...
After that I started pretending that I was on a carnival ride and I could enjoy this.
Now mind you we ate allot of dust as you notice from the pictures I took down below.
But my goal is in my 50's to experience new things and to get out of my box in life.
I have to say I was proud of myself for this new experience!!!
Some new dolls I have been putting on ebay

These are some of the new dolls I have been doing. Lots and lots of color.
I am finding that this looks seems to be selling for me on ebay.
Thank goodness for tole painting experience.